Saturday, January 31, 2009

How to survive the IB [SurvIBe!]

The IB isn't a joyride, but it doesn't have to be murderously hard. Here are a couple of ways to shake off the stress from school and soak in the good vIBes:

1. Develop a fondness for music you might otherwise consider bizarre
Because music soothes the savage IBeast! If you're not sure where to start,try showtunes. Or Queen. 'SCARAMOUCHE SCARAMOUCHE WILL YOU DO THE FANDANGO' would make even Bigfoot crack a smile.

2. Watch a chick flick
Because 'What Happens In Vegas' is a lot more likely to make you feel stupid and happy than Batman.

3. Maintain at least ONE hobby that can't be destroyed by a busy schedule
For instance, Dance Dance Revolution with small and implacable siblings. This isn't exactly my hobby [it's theirs] but there's something to be said for stamping on a helpless squashy pad after a rough day at school. And if you think it's hard to ignore a huge pile of weekend homework, you haven't met my sisters [Weekend homework doesn't have an annoyed 10-year-old's lungpower!]

4. Walk the dog
I read somewhere that stroking a pet's fur lowers its blood pressure- and yours! If you haven't got a pet, this is a good excuse to get one. Seriously. [And if pets aren't your cup of tea, you might try ruffling a small sibling's hair instead. No word on how this affects their blood pressure.]

5. Remember that you're not alone
There are dozens of forums and websites on the net for IB students. And also websites full of snarky quotes- is amazing! In joining the IB, you're signing up for more than a load of exams- you're tapping into an international hive mind of people who laugh at the same stupid jokes, worry about the same tests, and occasionally burst into song when standing outside an exam hall. Thunderbolts and lightning may be very very frightening, but the IB doesn't have to be!