Saturday, October 10, 2009

NYU application!

[Not all true- I am in fact a fairly sociable creature
My sunburn from my musings is a quite attractive feature.
My complexion martyred for a conversation starter?]

Wait! What did you say?
Oh. Really? That’s a swearword
In Punjabi. Ha!

In a land of forty-storey flats
You either have the option of looking into the sky
Or your neighbour’s kitchen

I live in a thirty-storey flat. [We save land where we can.]

Light pollution is a funny thing

The sky is pretty nice today- in a blinding sort of way.

When they’re moving fast enough they might make one feel queasy;
But you can’t help but envy them. They make life look so easy.
You wouldn’t have to worry about turning out a dud
All you’d have to do is pick up vapour and, well, scud.

This could end in heatstroke or it could end in nirvana.

Whenever I’m uncertain about how I should begin
I just close my eyes. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in.

There are those who like to drown their sorrows in their drink
I, aloof, am on the roof, where I can sit and think.
[Not all true- I am in fact a fairly sociable creature
My sunburn from my musings is a quite attractive feature.
My complexion martyred for a conversation starter?]

When you are surrounded by flats forty stories high
The only way to flee them is to settle in the sky.

Some years ago, Singapore started on a massive chore
[The people were quite nettled that they had to be resettled.]
The plan was grand, but where was the land?
They stared at the ground, and sat around, and then someone looked up..

People use the term ‘head in the clouds’ with tones so harsh and flat
But on a bright day like this, there’s nothing wrong with that.

It strikes me that the beauty of visiting another nation
Is the endless opportunity for acclimatization.
[Sorry, readers, that pun there was fully intended
Thought I’d try and slip one in before this poem ended.]

If I stole a cloud away it would not much be missed;
Clouds are good for sleeping on, on sunny days like this.
Of course I know this poem isn’t making too much sense;
Clouds are simply water that’s almost halfway condensed.

My malady seems to me to be that I’ve lost the will to reason

[We’ve lost the will to reason- the madness of the season?
It could be stress, more or less, or just as easily not;
Perhaps it is more likely that we’re mad because it’s hot.]