Friday, April 3, 2009

The couple faced each other across the coffee table. The divorce papers lay between them, covered in blaring, angry signatures, dates, times.

The wife signed April 1st once more, and threw down her pen. Looking her husband in the eye, she shouted, 'This marriage is a joke!'


  1. The husband looked his ex-wife-to-be in the eye and said, "Darling, you've just impaled my hand with the pen."

    She looked down in confusion. To her horror, she saw the pen jutting out from the man's hand. As she put her hand to her mouth to scream, she saw him grinning. He pulled out the fake wax hand from his shirt and cried, "April Fools'!"

    The police never found the body.

  2. Well, that's what they told the family, anyway. The force's sense of humour had eroded a long time ago, but they knew a day of obligatory hilarity when they saw one.

    Besides, the pen was jammed in -such- a hilarious place.

  3. Moral of the story: April Fools' jokes should never be taken too far, lest you suffer from the consequences of a prankster with the psyche of The Joker.
